SUNET Mailfilter Plugin for Outlook 2010/2013/2016 Installation: ------------- Simply run the .exe or .msi file to install the plugin. If you have Outlook open, you might need to restart after the installation is completed. In Outlook, a new ribbon group named "SUNET Mailfilter" with three buttons named "Spam", "Non-Spam" and "Forget" should now appear. Configuration: -------------- By default, the Mailfilter plugin doesn't need any configuration if MIME-headers with voting links are present in the email messages AND unauthenicated voting is allowed in CanIt. (In Mailfilter, make sure S-2600, S-2700 and S-3200 (under Bayes Settings) are all true) If you want to customize the configuration of the Mailfilter plugin, it's done from the windows registry. Base registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SUNET.Mailfilter (Individual keys can be overridden in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SUNET.Mailfilter) If voting links aren't appended to all emails by default or unauthenicated voting isn't allowed, the Mailfilter plugin can be configured to perform voting over the CanIt API. The following registry keys needs to be configured for API voting: ApiUrl string Url of CanIt API services [required] ApiUser string User for CanIt API services [required] ApiPassword string Password for CanIt API services [required] If for some reason you want an additional button for end user support (it will forward any marked email(s) as attachments and sent the it to email address of your choosing, the following keys can be configured: ForwardingAddress string Address to forward the mail to [required] ForwardingButtonText string Text of forwarding button [optional] ForwardingSubject string Text of mail subject if forwarding mail [optional] ForwardingBody string Text of mail body if forwarding mail [optional] ForwardingMimeHeader string Mime header to add to forwarded mail [optional] ForwardingMimeValue string Mime header value to add to forwarded mail [optional] ForwardingPopup string Confirmation popup message if forwarding mail [optional] Other customizations that optionally can be configured: SpamButtonText string Text of spam button [optional] HamButtonText string Text of non-spam button [optional] ForgetButtonText string Text of forget button [optional] ButtonGroupText string Text of button toolbar [optional] ShowPopups pool Confirmation popup message then voting [optional] Debugging: ---------- The Mailfilter plugin will log to the system eventlog under "Mailfilter Plugin". If you encounter any problems, start by checking the eventlog.