Installation of Software

If you are using Apache httpd as your Web Server (look at Installing Apache Web Server 2.0 or higher with Shibboleth Service Provider in this wiki), we recommend that you use Shibboleth. On most mayor Linux distributions (debian, ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat etc.) you can get Shibboleth as a ready-to-install packet. On systems with apt-get you install it like this:

# apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2

If you have a system with yum, don't forget to install the repository (see Installing Apache Web Server 2.0 or higher with Shibboleth Service Provider in this wiki). Observe that systems like RHEL6.x or higher dont has a lib-curl version that works with Shibboleth 2.x. Observera att RHEL6.x (och CentOS6.x) inte har en för shibboleth fungerande libcurl-version. The installation will create a library with a working libcurl in the /opt/shibboleth directory. Observe that SE-linux must be in permissive or disabled mode for the installation to work:

# yum install shibboleth.x86_64