A collection of tools to help out when working with CNaaS.

Faster template development

Test out new templates by doing a dry_run on a device without commiting the new template to git by using template_dry_run.py

Easier settings editing

Verify settings syntax inside the VScode editor without saving or committing to git by using https://github.com/SUNET/cnaas-nms-vscode

Download CNaaS-NMS VScode plugin

Better access-control list editing

Generate ACLs for Arista, Cisco, Juniper, IPtables etc from one single definition. Configure networks, groups and services and combine it with policies to generate ACLs that can be pasted into templates.

See Howto capirca

Automatic generation of ssh-key users

Generate template config for ssh-key users based of a a .ssh/authorized_keys file:

usage: ./sunet-arista-sshkeys.py < ~/.ssh/authorized_keys > users_template.j2

Download sunet-arista-sshkeys.py