Projekt och Aktiviteter
EUDIW pilot setup
This page describes a Digital Identity wallet interoperability lab setup. Including the components used in the lab and APIs that needs to be followed to connect to the lab.
Interoperability lab
Overview of the wallet ecosystem
DC4EU issuer and verifier architecture
DC4EU interoperability lab
Supporting documentation
DC4EU Open Source Architecture
Lab components
- wwWallet - https://demo.wwwallet.org/login
- DC4EU instance of wwWallet - https://wallet.dc4eu.eu/login
- EUDIW Reference Implementation - https://github.com/eu-digital-identity-wallet/.github/blob/main/profile/reference-implementation.md
- DC4EU generic issuer
- Credential constructor and datastore
- Development https://github.com/dc4eu/vc
- Testing and piloting https://github.com/dc4eu/vc_up_and_running
- Credential constructor and datastore
- Under development
Trust frameworks
- OpenID federation - https://github.com/rohe/fedservice
- Authentic source <-> Issuer/Datastore Rest API - https://github.com/dc4eu/vc/tree/main/standards
Setup steps
Openid federation
- Copy https://github.com/mikaelfrykholm/fedservice/blob/master/dc4eu_federation/bootstrap-dockers.sh
- If you don't want to build your own container we have one at docker.sunet.se/fedservice
- Copy https://github.com/mikaelfrykholm/fedservice/blob/master/docker/docker-compose.yml
- Start all the dockers with
docker compose up
- Configure the services with
Wallet provider
- Connecting a wallet to Sunets Satosa
- Configure SaToSa with a backend for user verification
- Docker image used is : docker.sunet.se/satosa:wallet
- Configure a frontend according to info in https://github.com/rohe/satosa-openid4vci/tree/main/openid4vci_oidc
FIXME change to new docker images
to get TA-keys
docker exec -t openidfed-ta_eu-1 bash -c "/src/fedservice/setup_federation/get_info.py -k -t > /data/trust_anchor.json"docker exec -t openidfed-tmi-1 bash -c "/src/fedservice/setup_federation/create_trust_mark.py -d /data -m http://dc4eu.example.com/PersonIdentificationData/se -e https://satosa-test-1.sunet.se"
to create Trust Markdocker exec -t openidfed-ta_eu-1 bash -c "/src/fedservice/setup_federation/add_info.py -s /data/wallet-ci.json -t /data/subordinates"
to import Wallet into federation
Role | URL |
Trust Anchor | |
Trust Mark Issuer | |
Wallet Provider | |
Satosa |
Trust Anchor Keys
{"https://openidfed-test-1.sunet.se:7001": {"keys": [{"kty": "RSA", "use": "sig", "kid": "UFpoajluZU42dTNUUXo5RnhBVEJnRk9JY2N tU1JKdlVYUk1RUFRyVkFFRQ", "n": "p9S2whcSjmBdxerp80tIJreUUmZiGNGXIocJlNjx9pgD5_WD2l6mBNuEZMpP-QUB_TSV3VesNiqmOdydGp1wkfQ-NmVdo so29FjEdgrckLIwirAVmVQ6bGQQnXJrR56mRz0QqENi11vVpbDj6hsprxK1EZBQL-sQ2kem289B_BCNT-NvwVHrYJlaQA32z7cs1a7W8wt9eLxA10PeiYMgDVU_69 wKBw4YrjjozOHKMRGchUQEjQhfSZfk49bip_5TNz4dmBmSCIbdE2yilFrfRSNrh7q2myuyDE3k2QZbSOXXGGT1LtHO74WIY58v-M3A7_zxp0f2Eo9ZD3N4h-InIw" , "e": "AQAB"}, {"kty": "EC", "use": "sig", "kid": "Nm82cTJKMDkydXhxOUMtTm0teFpMWlZiR0ZVa2U3YVVtbkJTV3hBd3FqOA", "crv": "P-25 6", "x": "69XlQkKYfWJDXAv_Vbrqyfz9gfAhu1qQ4mtLde18-Cg", "y": "ntBwdhy4_cS2PRBS-xdKkNwcO1yQP8TdoOHbHN9Yjv8"}]}}