Sunet TCS
Sunet TCS 2025- Information for administrators
This is for administrators at Sunet TCS members for the 2025- "HARICA generation" of the Sunet TCS service.
2025-01-13: This document is work in progress and will be updated as features are added and bugs/limitations removed, and as we gain more experience with the system.
Table of Contents
The HARICA Certificate Manager is located at
Getting Help
Join the TCS network at SUNET Forum
Consider joining the TCS network at to get information and to be able to discuss the service with Sunet TCS and other users. Important news will also be shared, as before, using the SUNET-TCS-MEMBERS mailing list (where one function address per organization is present since your organization joined the service), but information about minor issues may be shared here, as well as tentative information before we know enough to raise it to the SUNET-TCS-MEMBERS level.
Help from SUNET TCS
Email after making sure that this document does not contain the answer to your question or a solution to your problem. Do not email Kent's personal email address.
If your question is about a concrete problem, please make sure that you include sufficient information that can be used for troubleshooting, for example:
- What user in the system did what?
- What certificate request is this about (or what domain, or what user, or...)?
- What did you expect to happen?
- What happened instead?
- What messages did you get?
Help from HARICA support
2025-01-10: For the time being, contact HARICA support only on instructions from Sunet TCS. We will provide you with the email address when doing so.
GEANT / HARICA Documentation
Look at but keep in mind that parts of that documentation is for NREN administrators (called Enterprise Manager in HARICA CM) and not for organisation administrators (called Enterprise Admin in HARICA CA).
Differences from the Sectigo generation 2020-2024
New vendor, new web interface
The HARICA Certificate Manager of course looks different from the Sectigo Certificate Manager. We are all using the same URL for HARICA CM (not a specific Sunet URL).
The container for your organization is now called Enterprise
The containter that keeps your organization details together with the set of domains and certificates that belong to you is now called Enterprise in HARICA CM, instead of Organization (as in Sectigo CM) or Division (as earlier at DigiCert).
You who are administrators at this level are now called Enterprise Admin (approximately the same role as RAO in the Sectigo CM).s you
No Departments
There is no direct replacement for the Department level that existed below Organization in the Sectigo CM, and as such there is no role corresponding to DRAO.
2025-01-10: There may be ways to implement this in the future. Please do not attempt do recreate this using Subunits or other things you find in the interface unless instructed by Sunet TCS.
Users who are not administrators are available again
The HARICA CM allows people to create users that will be matched to you organization via domain matching on the email address. Such users start out without any privileges in the system (cannot approve certificates, cannot add domains etc) but they can request certificates. This resembles the model we had with DigiCert (for Sectigo, there were only admin users of various levels).
You cannot approve your own requests
A user cannot approve their own requests, regardless of privileges in the system. You need to have one user request a certificate and another user (with the Enterprise Approver role) approve it.
Different certificate offerings
From the start of the service your can get this before your Organization Validation is completed:
- Server certificate DV
- S/MIME certificate email-only
When Organization Validation is completed you can also get:
- Server certificate OV
- S/MIME certificate IV + OV (contains personal information and organization information)
Server certificate EV is not part of the contract.
2025-01-10: Server certificates and authentication certificates for grid use will become available later
2025-01-10: Other certificate types such as code-signing should become available later for a per-certificate fee
Less flexible notifications
You cannot tune notifications as you could for Sectigo. From start, a single function email address per enterprise will get all notifications for new requests, expiring validations etc.
Getting access to the system
Members of the "Sectigo generation" 2020-2024 service
2025-01-20: You are welcome to join now using the procedures in this section, but as you can see further down we still want you to refrain from Organization Validation until needed.
To get access to the new system, first:
- Have the person who will become the first Enterprise Admin for your organization to go and sign up to create a user.
- They should have been a RAO (not only DRAO) in the Sectigo CM. Choose the most senior RAO you had that will work with the new system too.
- You should use the same email address as before if at all possible. The email address must belong to your main domain (the one you will tell us about below).
- 2025-01-11: The name fields do not accept characters like "åäö" or "-". Do your best without this until we get this fixed.
- 2025-01-10: Sign up for a new account. Do not yet try the the Academic Login option to login using your SWAMID user. We will tell you when that option is working properly.
- This user must also enable two-factor authentication (TOTP) using the profile page (available from the menu in the top right corner where your name is displayed, then under Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Then email with a subject line "TCS2025: organization name" (substitute your real organization name). Do not send this email to Kent's personal email address. Do not come up with another form of subject line. In the email, include:
- Organization name (official, the value you will get in the O attribute of the certificate)
- This should be the name shown when your organization number is searched for in official sources, which is mostly likely your name in Swedish, not English.
- Locality (the value you will get in the L attribute of the certificate)
- This should be a single locality/city that is shown when your organization number is searched for in official sources.
- Your main domain (you will be able to add additional domains later)
- Organization number ("organisationsnummer")
- A function email alias suitable for receiving notifications from HARICA (such as pending requests, expiring validations etc).
- Make sure that you are OK with receiving two emails per certificate (requested and issued) to this function email address.
- Make sure that alias is able to receive emails from addresses outside of your organization so HARICA's emails can reach you there.
- 2025-01-10: This is mandatory for now. Later, you will be able to choose to instead have these emails sent to all Enterprise Admins
- Email for the first Enterprise Admin of your organization, as created above.
- 2025-01-20: Tell us if you have immediate needs for certificates, are just registering to get it done, or anywhere in between...
When we receive and handle the requests, we will create your Enterprise (the HARICA term for the container for your organization and its domains, certificates etc) in the system and make the indicated user the first Enterprise Manager for you.
New members
Contact about membership in the service. Do not send any paper documents before that and do not register in the HARICA CM system.
Add CAA record in DNS for the domain if needed
If you are not using CAA records to limit which Certificate Authorities are allowed to issue certificates for a domain, you do not need to add anything for HARICA.
On the other hand, if you are currently using CAA records in DNS to specify allowed Certificate Authorities for a domain, you need to make sure there is a CAA record allowing
in addition to the ones you already have.
Validating domains
To validate the first domain added when your enterprise was created or any additional domains added later, go to Enterprise → Admin and select your enterprise line. In the new pane, select Domains. You will now be able to use the Validate Domain button to initiate Domain Control Validation (DCV).
You can select email or DNS methods:
- For email, you have to choose one of five standard addresses (admin, administrator, webmaster, hostmaster or postmaster) under the domain that is to receive the challenge email.
- For DNS, you get information in an email on how to add a TXT entry in DNS for your domain.
In the field for "Email of user that will validate the Enterprise" you enter the email of yourself or any other user registered in HARICA CM that will complete the validation. Then follow the instructions in the email you get to complete validation.
Domains that have not been validated yet have a validity date in the past (the day before the domain was added).
Adding additional domains
To be able to used additional domains you need to add them first, and then validate as above. To add, go to Enterprise → Admin and select your enterprise in the list. In the pane that appears, click your enterprise in the new list too. At the enterprise information page you get to, use the globe icon at the top right corner to get to the Add Domain page.
Download the sample CSV file and edit it to add one or more domains instead of the HARICA example names. Upload the edited file and accept it. The domains will not show up at once (there is a manual check by HARICA before they are accepted). When the domains have been added you can validate them as per above.
2025-01-10: The CSV parser requires the first line to contain the text Domain without quotes around it. If your spreadsheet program adds quotes, you may have to removed them. In other words, the expected file format is a test file with Domain on the first line and then one or more domain names on the subsequent lines.
Deleting domains
Contact if this is needed.
Organization Validation
For you to be able to issue server certificates of the OV type, or S/MIME IV+OV, the organization validation needs to be completed. That can be done by Sunet TCS or by you.
2025-01-10: We ask you to wait with this. You can still issue server certificates DV and email-only S/MIME-certificates. If you need OV, contact We will provide further instructions here when we and HARICA are ready for everybody to be organization validated.
Everybody who is to access the system (for certificate requests or as administrator) needs to have a user:
- The user must have registered at using the Sign up option.
- The email address must belong to a domain added to enterprise in the system.
- 2025-01-13: The name fields do not accept characters like "åäö" or "-". Do your best without this until we get this fixed.2025-01-13: Sign up for a new account. Do not yet try the the Academic Login option to login using your SWAMID user. We will tell you when that option is working properly.
As an Enterprise Admin you can elevate additional users to have more privileged roles than normal users (who can just request certificates).
- First, have the administrator-to-be create a user in the system (see above).
- The user must then also enable two-factor authentication (TOTP) using the profile page (available from the menu in the top right corner where the name is displayed, then under Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Then, as Enterprise Admin, go to Enterprise → Admin and select the Users tab close to the top (between Enterprises and Certificates). Select the appropriate user from the list presented (which will show users with emails under your domains).
2025-01-23: The list will not show all users (only the first 20?) and you need to use the down arrow to load more or use the filter function. Be aware that the search box only searches among the already displayed users.
In the pane shown for the selected user, select the Account info pane. You can select to additional roles for the user:
- Enterprise Admin, which will give this user the same role you have (manage domains, validations, users etc)
- Enterprise Approver, which will allow this user to approve certificate requests.
- You can select SSL (server certificate) and S/MIME separately.
- This is a separate role that is not included in Enterprise Admin. If needed, you can have both roles
When you have selected the role(s), do not forget to:
- Use the Manage Groups function to add your enterprise name to the Validator groups for the user (if not already there, as it is for the first Enterprise Admin).
- Use the Save button.
2025-10-13: If the choices you make does to seem to "take" when you look at the Account info again right after saving, exit the Users pane for something else and go back and check again. The information should now be correct.
Requesting certificates
All certificate requests are done with menu options in the left-side menu of the system.
You need to have a user in the system (see above) to create certificate requests, but the user does not need to have any administrator/approver roles.
You cannot approve your own request. Another user with the Enterprise Approver role needs to do that. In converse, if you are the one who will approve the certificate, you need to have another user request it.
Server certificates
Use the Certificate Requests → Server alternative in the left-side-menu.
On the first page, you enter an optional friendly name for the certificate and then add one or more names to be present in the certificate. The first name added will be the CN of the certificate, and all names added will be present as SAN DNS entries in the certificate. If you do not uncheck the checkbox below the name, an additional name with www prepended will be added as SAN DNS.
The friendly name is only shown to the requester in certificate listings. It will not be seen by approvers/admins. We suggest you leave it blank, as the CN (the first "real" name entered) will be shown in that case.
2025-01-13: The "Add www checkbox" may be removed or default to disabled in the future.
2025-01-13: No names for the certificate are picked up from the CSR you upload later. You have to add them at this stage. This may be changed in the future.
2025-01-21 There is currently a limit of 20 supplied names (and we assume this means 40 in total if you also accept all the www-prepended names too). This will be increased in the future.
On the next page, select the certificate type:
- Domain-only (DV) which is always available as soon as the domain is validation and only includes domain information. This is the same type of certificate you get from Let's Encrypt.
- For enterprises or organizations (OV), which is available after Organization Validation. This is the same type of certificate you got from Sectigo.
- Do not select "For enterprises or organizations (EV)" as this is not included in the contract.
If the DV or OV option is shown as "from AMOUNT€ year" instead of "free", do not proceed. Probable reasons are:
- You have made a typo and entered a name that does not belong to your Enterprise. Start over and make sure the names are right.
- You have tried to use a domain of yours that you have not yet added and validated in the system. See Adding additional domains above.
Confirm the choice of type and then confirm the information and accept the terms of use etc.
On the Submit Request page, use Submit CSR manually to get a box to paste the CSR into. Accept the terms of use etc again and Submit the request.
2025-01-16: You may get the error message "You have already used this key before. If your private key gets compromised, we will have to revoke ALL CERTIFICATES associated with this key." if there is a blank line before the CSR in the box (and maybe for other syntax errors too). Do not proceed, but make sure the CSR format is OK and resubmit. Of course, you will also get this message if you are trying to reuse a key.
2025-01-13: The need to accept the terms of use etc twice will be removed in the future.
Your certificate request will now be listed under Pending Certificates until one of your Enterprise Approver approves it. An email is sent to the notification alias about the pending approval.
When an Enterprise Approver has approved the certificate, you can download it using the download arrow to the right of the certificate in the listing.
2025-01-13: We will add more information about download options when the correct certificate chain is in place.
S/MIME certificates
2025-01-10: This section will be added soon. Most of you will like to wait until self-service with federated login is in place.
Approving certificates
Server certificates
You need to have the Certificate Approver role to approve a certificate request. Also, you cannot approve your own request.
As Enterprise Approver, go to Enterprise → SSL Requests. Select the request in the list of pending requests. On the page you get, the Consent tab should be active (with a red X showing it is not yet handled). Enter any comment you want in the message box and use the Accept button to approve the certificate.
If you want, you can also have the message sent to the requester using the "Inform user" checkbox, and if you press Update instead of Accept, the user will get the message but the certificate will not (yet) be approved. The file options at the top is for including documents, if they are relevant to the approval process.
After approving, the certificate is issed and the request is moved to the Completed section.
As approver, your can use Enterprise → SSL Certificates to see certificates. If you select a certificate, you will see the Details pane, and can also choose the Download and Revoke tabs to do that.
The certificate requester will get an email about the certificate and can download it (see above).
S/MIME certificates
2025-01-13: This section will be added soon. Most of you will like to wait until self-service with federated login is in place.
2025-01-10: ACME via HARICA is not at this moment on par with what was offered by Sectigo, but improvements are on the roadmap. We will update this section when it is in place. We recommend using Let's Encrypt for ACME as of now.
API access
2025-01-17: The current API offered by HARICA is basically the one used between the web browser and their backend. If you are an experienced API user, you may be able to use this already, but it is not for the faint of heart. We will update this section if and when the API is enhanced for automation tasks.
Resources for those who would like to try it anyway:
- (and the rest of the subpages linked in the left-side menu)
- (tool in Perl from our Dutch friends)
- (our own minimal sample code to demonstrate making API calls)
We ask that you use the staging environment ( for testing instead of the production environment ( if your tests will involve requesting certificates. Contact if you need help to set up your Enterprise there for testing (configuration from production is not mirrored there).
SAML configuration
2025-01-10: This section will be added. There is some information already at
Certificate Chains
2025-01-15: Certificates are still issued with HARICA's existing intermediates, not the custom TCS intermediates that will be used in the future. We will add more information here when the TCS intermediates are in place.