Most information under this section is in Swedish due to that SWAMID Identity Providers are institutions of the Swedish Higher Educational Sector.
In SWAMID multiple brands of Identity Provider software are used: the two most usual are Shibboleth Identity Provider and Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). On this HowTo page we'll concentrate on these two. For now most of the information will be for Shibboleth, but we'll add more and more information on ADFS.
Base installation of Shibboleth Identity Providers
Shibboleth Identity Provider
- Shibboleth IdPv4 uppgradering (ny 2020-11-09)
- Automatisk installation av Shibboleth IdP version 3 under Linux
- Shibboleth Identity Provider 3 on Windows
ADFS Identity Provider
Metadata and policy considerations
- Entity Category attribute release in SWAMID
- Entity Support Categories for Identity Providers
- SWAMID Identity Provider MDUI requirements
- Säkerhets- och incidenthanteringsprofilen REFEDS SIRTFI med fokus på identitetsfärdare (IdP)
Example of metadata configuration, attribute resolvers and attribute filters
- Example of a standard metadata for Shibboleth IdP
- Example of a standard attribute resolver for Shibboleth IdP v3.4.0 and above
- Example of a standard attribute filter for Shibboleth IdP v3.4.0 and above
Extended configuration of Identity Providers
- Identity Provider Key Rollover
- Rätt semantik för eduPersonScopedAffiliation
- Signalera tillitsprofil genom eduPersonAssurance
- Svenska personnummer: norEduPersonNIN, personalIdentityNumber och schacDateOfBirth
- Rekommenderad release av statisk organisationsinformation
Shibboleth Identity Provider
- Konfigurera metadata i Shibboleth Identity Provider för att använda SWAMID
- Pseudonym identifierare (EPTID)
- SAML f-ticks for Shibboleth
- Terms of use module in Shibboleth IdP
- Shibboleth 3 med hög tillgänglighet